Sunday 8 November 2015

Research for my hybrid+ chosen element

When we got the task to create our own hybrid I started thinking about the elements that could influence it and also thought about hybrids that already existed.
I really love water, I especially feel free and calm when I sit in front of the ocean and just watch the waves going back and forth. That's when I decided that my main element will be water. More specifically the Ocean. But I decided to create a hybrid that comes from the deep sea as this part of the ocean is barely known and there is still so much to discover. This will also give me more freedom when creating my hybrid because you never know what's really down there.

I started thinking how I could combine a human with something from the deep sea. I was just playing around with some ideas and thought I could create a silicone piece and apply it to the shoulder and in it add some corals. But for that idea to work I first need to check of there are actually corals that deep down. I am not entirely sure because in those depths the water is quite full of sulfur and it could maybe be poisonous for corals but I will definitely get information about that. Then I could also make the skin very slimy and add some special contact lenses to make my hybrid look blind. I thought that would be a good idea as the creatures living in the deep sea don't need to have proper vision as there is no light down there. So the eyes are not adapted to sunlight. Another idea would be to add gills. But then again that's probably something a lot of people will do if they choose something living in water. And I want to create something more different. I also thought about creating a wound on my hybrids body that shows black blood coming out of it which I could link to octopuses ink. But here again I would need to check what kind of octopuses live in the deep sea. Those are all just some random ideas but hopefully after watching some good documentaries about the deep sea and deep sea creatures I will have a clearer vision for my hybrid design.

For my research I watched documentaries about deep sea creatures for hours on you tube. And I found a really good one which also helped me to clarify some of my questions I had when brainstorming my first ideas but it actually also helped me choose the animal I want to use for my hybrid. The documentary is called "Creatures Of The Deep Ocean - Documentary" but unfortunately I just noticed that it was deleted on YouTube -.- That's a bit annoying as I wanted to add it into this post but I found some other short videos about my chosen animal.
When watching this documentary I learned about the Vampyroteuthis infernalis which is more commonly known as Vampire squid or Vampire squid from hell. I never heard about it before and it is really mesmerizing and just so beautiful!

But first let me show you this beautiful creature.

vampire squid swimming

->vampire squid using bioluminescent

Some Videos:

Some facts about the Vampire squid:
  • lives in depth below 600 -1200 meters deep
  • slow metabolism
  • lives in oxygen minimum zones
  • can be found in the tropical deep sea regions world wide
  • is around 30cm long
  • female longer than male
  • is either a squid nor a octopus but fundamental structures are similar ->comes from a line of  Cephalopoda which would later divide into 10 limbed squid and 8 limbed octopuses 
  • are living fossils
  • can have a range of colours from black to red( deep red) depending on light
  • have big blue or red eyes, depending on light again
  • to big fins on top of their head that actually look like big ears
  • eat 'marine snow' which is dead (fish)body parts coming from the surface, fish poop ->don't eat living animals
  • have only suckers on the end of their arms, have 8 arms which are connecting by webbing
  • turn inside out when threatened 
  • use bioluminescent  mucus do draw away attention of enemy so they can flee
  • have also bioluminescent on their body and two big round circles which look like their eyes( but are not)

A bit of background story to my vampire squid human  hybrid.
Because it is the deep sea I was thinking that a human vampire squid hybrid could be found in a lost city underwater. Because if we think about we don't really know what is down there so a lot would be possible. As an example you could use Atlantis. I watched some documentaries about Atlantis to see of the location would fit with the natural habitat of the vampire squid but unfortunately the exact location wasn't found yet. But there are some speculation. So that's why I decided to make my own underwater city which would fit with the natural habitat. And there my human vampire quid people live.

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